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Strained Eyes Due to Excessive Screen-time? Discover Tips To Protect Them Now!

Strained Eyes Due to Excessive Screen-time? Discover Tips To Protect Them Now!

Strained Eyes Due to Excessive Screen-time? Discover Tips To Protect Them Now!

by Sarika Jassal 24 Sep 2024 0 Comments


Have you ever noticed how many hours in a day you spend using a screen whether it is your laptop, computer, television, or smartphone? You'd be surprised to know that we spend around 12 hours doing all of that. In some cases, it can go very well beyond 14 hours and in some instances up to 16 hours! People who constantly work in front of a computer such as web developers, coders, bankers, graphic designers, writers, and the like complain about digital eye strain very frequently.

You could be a victim of this evil as well. It is called Computer Vision Syndrome. In everyday language, we call it eye strain due to the excessive use of screens. Computer vision syndrome can lead to a lot of irritation, dryness, and at times severe infections of the eyes. You may find that focusing on moving objects or even moving your eyes from one place to another gets painful and tiring. It means that there is a huge amount of stress on your optical system. 

Symptoms of Strained Eyes Due To Excessive Screen Usage 

    • Headache 
    • Dry eyes 
    • Blurred vision 
    • Eye stain 
    • Difficulty concentrating 
    • Pain in your neck, back, and shoulders 
    • Burning eyes 
    • Sensitivity to light 
    • Difficulty keeping your eyes open 
    • Double vision 
    • Redness in your eyes
    • Feeling tired constantly
    • Pressure behind eyes
    Symptoms of Strained Eyes due to excessive use of screen


    But this is not all. An even bigger challenge is the prevalence of certain myths and misconceptions attached to eye health and diseases. These myths only make your life even more difficult. So let's clear the air around them once and for all.

    Eye Myth: Performing Exercises Of The Eyes Delays The Need For Glasses


    You can perform certain eye exercises but they are not going to reduce the need for glasses at all. While these exercises can prove to be relaxing, numerous factors affect your vision. You can find temporary relief from eye strain symptoms by performing these exercises but they are not a substitute for glasses.

    Eye Myth: You Are Going To Compromise Your Vision By Reading In Dim Light


    A lot of people think that dim lighting damages your vision or eye health. This is not true. It’s what causes eye strain for sure but that's about it. The best way to prevent that from happening is to invest in a light setup for your room that does not have any UV or blue light components.

    Eye Myth: Carrots Are The Ultimate Food For Eye Health


    While carrots are a great source of vitamin A which is incredible for your eye health, you cannot say that it is the best food out there. You have many more options such as green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, vitamin E supplements, organic dairy products, lean meat, eggs, and a lot more.

    Eye Myth: It Is Not A Good Idea To Keep Wearing Glasses Or Contact Lenses All The Time


    If you feel the need to use reading glasses or want to keep on your contact lenses, do that. Of course, taking a break from them might help you relax your eyes a lot. However, it is not a permanent solution to this problem. Also, if you continue to wear them for a long time, it is not going to worsen your vision or lead to any eye disease or problem.

    Eye Myth: Staring At A Computer Screen Constantly Results In Vision Loss


    Now for the big question. Using a computer screen does not damage your eyes in the long run or cause you to lose vision. However, it can definitely lead to tired eyes or headaches. You are bound to feel dryness, discomfort, itching, and also sensitivity to light after extended use of your computer screen. It is advised to rest your eyes every 20 minutes if you use digital gadgets throughout the day. It is also recommended to keep your eyes well-lubricated if you want to avoid strain and irritation.

    Now that we have busted some of the most widespread myths related to eye health and diseases, let's talk about a few ways to get rid of the symptoms of eye strain due to the extended use of screens.

    Cut Out The Glare

    The best way to cut out the glare is to opt for anti-glare lamp shades. You can also install a protective screen on your computer so that it does not reflect the light source present in your room. Invest in good quality glasses for eye strain as well.

    Rearranging Your Desk Is A Good Idea

    You can rearrange your desk so that it is at least 25 to 28 inches away from your face. Make sure that the position is such that it does not affect your neck or strains your eyes.

    Always Give Your Eyes A Break

    If you have worked for an hour or two on your computer, make sure to take a break. Close your eyes for at least 1 minute if you feel tired. Use cold water to rinse your eyes every 30 or 40 minutes.

    Let's Tweak The Lighting A Bit

    Adjusting the lighting in your room can be a great way to reduce strain on your eyes. There are filters available that can be attached to the light source you use or the computer screen to filter out the blue light. This makes using the computer far more comfortable. Also, adjusting the brightness, contrast, and colors of your computer screen is very helpful in reducing the stress on your strained eyes.

    In The End, How Do You Treat Eye Strain?

    Do not fall for the most popular ideas or misconceptions that people around you entertain, especially when it comes to protecting the health of your eyes. A lot of people around you are misinformed. Several of them don't even read enough to have correct or updated facts with them. The only way to stay updated on health matters is to rely on Wellness Extract. We are your one-stop solution to all health-related problems and the best supplements that your money can buy. For more information on how to stay healthy and fit for years to come, do visit.


    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information contained within this page is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals.

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