What are Antioxidants?
Antioxidants are compounds that prevent the process of oxidation, that is inhibiting chemical reactions which release free radicals that damage the cells of our body. Dietary Vitamin E is an essential lipid-based antioxidant which is essential for protection against oxidative stress. Our body needs antioxidants just like an army needs superior weapons to fight. The right kind of antioxidants are our weapons to fight any damage to our body and support healthy aging.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an essential micronutrient to create and sustain human life. As a powerful fat-soluble cell antioxidant, it is a strong protector against free radicals. It can work wonders if the supplement contains the right molecule. Vitamin E is highly beneficial for our foundational health specifically in cardiovascular, bone, metabolic, and skin health. Parts of it can be obtained through certain food and some parts only through dietary supplements. As we age, our body has to work harder to absorb the nutrients from daily diet. Vitamin E is an essential micronutrient which can be consumed through food, but has a low antioxidant action in a standard meal especially because a certain part of Vitamin E is most likely missing.