11 Reasons Why Tocotrienols Are Vitamin ‘E’ssential
Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes
Vitamin E- you've likely heard the term countless times. For decades, it has been a celebrated go-to nutrient. Whether it's about skin nourishment or blood health, vitamin E covers everything. But there's something you might not know: not all vitamin E is the same!
That's right. Natural vitamin E comes in two primary forms: tocopherols and tocotrienols. While tocopherols are commonly available in different dietary forms, tocotrienols are true game changers. Up to 50 times more potent, they have ultimate health potential. Interesting, isn't it? Now, you might wonder what these tocotrienols are and how they benefit human health. Well, you are on the right page, then.
Here is a well-detailed blog on how tocotrienol benefits human health and what sets it apart from tocopherol.
What Makes Tocotrienols Most Potent Vitamin E?
Let's quickly start the blog by understanding why tocotrienols are considered vitamin 'E'ssential. Both tocopherols and tocotrienols belong to the vitamin E family. However, the key difference lies in their chemical structure.
Tocopherols have a saturated side chain, while tocotrienols have an unsaturated structure. The presence of multiple double bonds makes tocotrienols master antioxidants. It not only combats oxidative stress but also lowers cholesterol levels, a benefit that tocopherols can worsen.
How Does Tocotrienol Benefit Human Health?
Research has validated the high antioxidant properties of tocotrienols. But the real question is what are its additional health benefits. Numerous preclinical trials and studies highlight tocotrienols benefits in certain biological scenarios, including:
Nature's Best Antioxidative Mechanism
The most obvious health benefit of tocotrienol is that it is nature's best antioxidant. Our body needs antioxidants to neutralize free radicals that can otherwise damage DNA or other cell components. With its unsaturated chemical structure, tocotrienols offer better absorption. Particularly in lipid-rich environments, like the brain, tocotrienols offer quicker distribution than alpha-tocopherols. Thus, they are more potent than any other existing form of vitamin E.

Defend Nervous System
With its control and coordination, the nervous system plays a vital role in the human body. Human studies conclude that tocotrienols protect neurons from oxidative stress and toxic-induced damage. Tocotrienols specifically target critical enzymes, such as c-Src kinase and 12-lipoxygenase, associated with cancer development without neutralizing free radicals. Additionally, tocotrienols reach the brain, promising effective neuroprotectivity. A few studies also suggest that tocotrienols may slow down the course of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Adjuvate Anti-Cancer Therapy
Cancer is the most fatal disease across the globe. And tocotrienols may benefit from their anti-carcinogenic properties. Clinical studies suggest vitamin E tocotrienols stimulate cancer treatment through different mechanisms. It exhibits angiogenesis by suppressing the formation of the new blood vessels feeding on tumors. And do you know what the most fascinating fact about tocotrienols is? Unlike other compounds, tocotrienols directly target cancer stem cells, downregulating cancer growth.
Lower LDL 'Bad' Cholesterol Levels
Do you know that high cholesterol causes around 4.4 million deaths every year? Often unnoticed, high cholesterol can lead to serious cardiovascular risks like stroke. The buildup of artery plaque can narrow blood flow to the heart and brain, triggering symptoms. Tocotrienols inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, suppressing cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Particularly, delta-tocotrienols react with LDL cholesterol, clearing it from the bloodstream. Additionally, it improves the lipid profile, reducing atherosclerosis risk factors.
Accelerate Late-Phase Fracture Recovery
A rat model study on postmenopausal osteoporosis showed that tocotrienols intake improves fracture healing. The unique tocotrienol group exhibits higher stress parameters in the fracture callus. It enhances the collagen synthesis, improving the bone matrix mineralization. Thus, by stimulating the activity of the osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), tocotrienols may support bone repair.
Manage Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFLD)
Alcohol abuse has always been a common cause of fatty liver. However, even in the case of non-alcoholic, fatty liver can contribute to obesity or diabetes. A systematic review of both human and animal studies supports the idea that tocotrienol can boost the liver enzyme profile in NAFLD patients. By modulating lipid metabolism, they can reduce fat accumulation in the liver. However, the extent of these benefits depends on crucial factors like disease severity and supplementation duration.
Anti-Inflammatory Gastrointestinal Actions
Gastrointestinal inflammatory bowel disease is a common disorder that affects around 2.4–3.1 million individuals in the United States. It can have dangerous symptoms, including dehydration, malnutrition, toxic megacolon, and much more. Tocotrienols inhibit NF-kB activation, which reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. That's how this potent vitamin E reduces chronic GIT inflammation, supporting digestive health. Additionally, tocotrienols also modulate oxidative stress, maintaining healthy gut lining.
Immunoregulatory Mechanisms
The immune system is the protector of the body; it provides a shield against health risks. And, tocotrienols can be the protector of the immune system. Immune cells, consisting of high polyunsaturated fatty acids, are prone to oxidative damage. With its antioxidant properties, tocotrienols protect cell membranes against lipid peroxidation, maintaining its integrity. Additionally, it may also suppress inflammatory factors by reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. A few clinical studies support the immunoregulatory properties of vitamin E against pneumonia, influenza, and asthma.
Anti-Aging Potential
If you are looking for healthy aging that balances skin radiance and glow, tocotrienols can be your savior. With its antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties, tocotrienols can improve skin barrier function. They can neutralize free radicals that trigger skin aging. Further, δ-tocotrienols promote collagen synthesis, addressing age-related issues like wrinkles, dryness, and hyperpigmentation. Studies support that in the coming time, tocotrienol can be a powerful ingredient in dermatological and cosmetic products, promising youthful skin.
Maintain Low Testosterone Levels
In males, testosterone levels decrease with aging. Low testosterone levels can significantly impact men in terms of sexual and bone health. Not only that, the severe conditions can lead to sleep disorders and metabolic syndromes. In an animal-based study, annatto-derived tocotrienols have mitigated testosterone deficiency. Its strong antioxidant properties may protect Leydig cells from damage, supporting testosterone production. But, there's a quick fact that you must note here. Tocotrienol supplements don't restore testosterone levels; they can support the deficiency disorder.
Potential Advantage For Hair Loss
Hair loss has always been a common concern among all ages and genders. Poor scalp health and undernourished follicle health have been a significant cause of hair loss. By reducing oxidative stress, tocotrienols may improve scalp circulation, supporting hair follicle health. Altogether, vitamin E tocotrienols can improve hair growth and reduce hair loss.
Are There Any Possible Side Effects Associated With Tocotrienols?
After exploring these 11 benefits of tocotrienols, you might also wonder about the possible side effects or health risks. Well, there's good news for that! When studied in rodents, a dose of up to 2,500 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of tocotrienols doesn't show any toxicological or adverse pharmacological effect. Also, the man behind the discovery of Annatto-derived tocotrienols, Dr. Barrie Tan, researched that the human body can safely tolerate up to 1000 mg of tocotrienols per day. However, in a few studies, they have interacted with anticoagulant drugs. Thus, to find the optimal dose according to your BMI and medical history, you should always consult a doctor and healthcare professional.
But Wait, Not Every Tocotrienol is Effective
Do the potential health benefits of tocotrienols motivate you to include the master antioxidant right now in your regime? Indeed, that's the best decision. However, there's a little twist. It comes in four isomers, α, β, γ, and δ, and each tocotrienol benefits the body in a particular way.
While δ-tocotrienol is the most potent antioxidant, it is not found commonly, unlike α-tocopherols. You can consider annatto-derived vitamin E supplements, like those from Wellness Extract, are GRAS-approved and third-party tested for quality to maximize your health benefits. Packed in soft gel capsules, the supplement is easy to consume with maximum bioavailability.
Quick Recap
Undoubtedly, tocotrienol shows promising health benefits. The best part is that tocotrienol is safe for everyone with minimal or no side effects. However, there's something you must keep in mind before you start tocotrienol supplementation. It's not a substitute for standard medical care but more an adjuvant that increases the efficacy of traditional drugs.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been assessed by the FDA. The information contained within this page is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals. Additionally, large-scale human studies are required to confirm the exact mechanisms and results.
Frequently Asked Question
1. Do tocotrienols interact with any medications?
In a few studies, anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs have interacted with tocotrienols. Thus, it is always advised to consult your doctor before starting the supplementation.
2. How can I choose high-quality tocotrienol supplements?
The efficacy of tocotrienol supplements totally depends on its bioavailability. Always consider taking delta tocotrienols since they are the most potent vitamin E. Additionally, look for a dosage that's easy to consume, GRAS-approved, and human-tested.
3. Can tocotrienols improve athletic performance?
By reducing exercise-induced oxidative stress, vitamin E tocotrienol benefits athletic performance. It may reduce muscle damage after intense exercise, leading to better endurance and recovery.
4. Can tocotrienols help with weight management?
Yes, tocotrienols may reduce body weight by regulating fatty acid biosynthesis and lipid metabolism. It can also improve glucose homeostasis in diabetic cases and help manage obesity.
5. Can tocotrienols help prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease?
Tocotrienols may assist in patients with Alzheimer's disease. In animal studies, tocotrienols have shown neuroprotective effects, improving memory retention in rats by reducing oxidative stress.
6. Can I take tocotrienols with other supplements?
Yes, tocotrienols can be taken with other supplements like geranylgeraniol and so. However, it is always best to consider your healthcare professional first for the best results.
7. When is the best time to take tocotrienol supplements?
It is best to take your tocotrienol supplements along with your meal or as prescribed by a doctor. Since tocotrienols are fat soluble, they are best absorbed in the body when taken with food.