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Tocotrienols as Antioxidants: Insights from Clinical Trials

Tocotrienols as Antioxidants: Insights from Clinical Trials

Tocotrienols as Antioxidants: Insights from Clinical Trials

by Sarika Jassal 03 Dec 2024 0 Comments

We support the idea that consumers should critically evaluate product claims. For example, if a company claims its Vitamin E supplement has the highest potency, it's essential to check the label to ensure it contains the potent form—tocotrienol (90% delta-tocotrienol & 10% gamma-tocotrienol), which is 50 times more potent than traditional vitamin E.

Additionally, reviewing clinical or preclinical studies about the ingredients is vital. That's why we've compiled this post, summarizing a few studies to educate you about the health benefits tocotrienols can offer as potent antioxidants.

Let's first answer this critical question.

Disclaimer: This content is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance on health-related concerns.

Why Fat-Soluble Tocotrienols Are Needed

According to Dr. Tan, Vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant, is crucial for protecting cell membranes, which are about 80% fat. Fats are highly susceptible to oxidation (meaning they go bad easily), leading to potential cell damage. Vitamin E prevents this damage by neutralizing free radicals targeting fats, preserving cellular health, and reducing the risk of various health issues.

Now you know the need for Vitamin E, it’s time to look at various studies to strengthen your belief in Tocotrienols Benefits. 

Evidence from Clinical Trials on Tocotrienols Benefits 

Do tocotrienols help in hair growth?

Yes, some studies suggest that tocotrienols may support hair health, particularly in women experiencing menopause. . While results may not be as effective for men with androgenic hair loss, tocotrienols could benefit women, especially those facing age-related hair thinning.

Let's look at the study: Effects of Tocotrienol Supplementation on Hair Growth in Human Volunteers.

Study Design


Total Volunteers: 38

  • Tocotrienol Group: 21 volunteers received 100 mg of mixed tocotrienols daily.
  • Placebo Group: 17 volunteers received a placebo capsule.

Monitoring Process

Participants were evaluated at three time points:

  • Baseline: Before supplementation.
  • 4 Months: Midway through the study.
  • 8 Months: End of the study.

The assessment focused on:

  • Hair Count: The number of hairs in a predetermined area of the scalp.
  • Hair Weight: The weight of 20 strands of hair, each 1 cm in length.


Hair Count

  • Tocotrienol Group: Showed a significant increase in hair count, with a 34.5% increase by the end of the 8-month period.
  • Placebo Group: Experienced a slight decrease in hair count, recorded at 0.1%.

Hair Weight

  • The cumulative weight of the 20 strands of hair did not show significant changes for either group from the baseline at the study's conclusion.

Note: The benefits mentioned are based on early-stage research. Consult a healthcare professional before using supplements for specific health conditions.

Does tocotrienol help in optimal sugar level management?

Tocotrienols may support optimal blood sugar management, especially in metabolic syndrome, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes. Dr. Tan's research indicates that some studies indicate that tocotrienols may support healthy triglyceride levels and insulin sensitivity, which may aid in blood glucose regulation.

tocotrienols significantly lower triglycerides and enhance insulin sensitivity

In studies, doses of 250-400 mg daily improved insulin response and reduced inflammation markers. Taken with a fatty meal for better absorption, tocotrienols offer a promising, natural approach to regulating blood sugar and supporting metabolic health. However, further study is needed for the surety of its effects in healthy sugar level management.

Note: The benefits mentioned are based on early-stage research. Consult a healthcare professional before using supplements for specific health conditions.

tocotrienols improve insulin response and reduced inflammation markers

Does tocotrienol improve bone density?

In this interview with Andrea Donsky, Dr. Tan said that when he collaborated with a Texas professor, they recruited post-menopausal women aged 45 to 55 for a study on tocotrienols and bone density. Participants were given either 300 mg or 600 mg of tocotrienols over three months. Though significant bone density changes typically require years to observe, early results indicated increased markers for bone growth and decreased markers for bone breakdown. This suggests that tocotrienols may play a role in supporting bone health and antioxidant levels. Read this given study if you want more information.

Tocotrienols Aids in Mineralization at Fractured site in Females

Tocotrienols Benefits in Bone Health

Does Delta-Tocotrienol Help Reduce Hepatitis C Viral Infection

Let what the study concluded for you to get a clear answer:

Study on Delta-Tocotrienol in Hepatitis C Patients:

A clinical study by Dr. Tan and his team tested 12 patients with Hepatitis C. Each patient took 500mg of Delta-Tocotrienol (Delta T3) daily for six weeks.


Decreased by Delta T3:

  • Viral infection
  • Spread of the virus
  • Free radicals (harmful molecules)

Increased by Delta T3:

  • Death of harmful cells (like cancer cells)
  • Tumor cell death

In Simple Words

  • Delta T3 helped fight the virus: As per the study, Delta-Tocotrienol (Delta T3) may support the body’s natural defense mechanisms.
  • Delta T3 helped protect cells: It helped kill harmful cells, including cancer-like ones, while supporting the body’s own defense system.

For more study, please go through the given test by Qureshi Asaf A. et al., 2018. The study concluded that Delta-Tocotrienol helps reduce viral infections and supports the death of harmful cells, including cancerous ones. It may also aid in managing issues like diabetes and calcium balance. Overall, tocotrienols appear safe for Hepatitis C patients without side effects.

Note: These findings are based on preliminary research, and further studies are needed to confirm these results.

Hepatitis C Viral Infection Data in USA

Does tocotrienol help in brain health?

In this interview with Andrea Donsky, Dr. Tan said that animal studies indicate tocotrienols may support brain health, showing potential benefits for neuron health and even improvements in dementia. Tocotrienols have anti-inflammatory properties that extend to neurons, helping to reduce inflammation in brain cells.

Study on Tocotrienols for Attention & Memory Enhancement

This study explored how tocotrienol (T3) supplementation could benefit attention and memory.

Eleven healthy participants took a placebo first, then T3 for six weeks. Two tests assessed sustained attention (Psychomotor Vigilance Task) and working memory (Digit Span Test). An EEG measured brainwave activity.

Key Findings

  • Memory Improvement: T3 significantly improved memory scores in both forward and reverse tasks.
  • Attention and Reaction Time: T3 users showed faster reactions compared to placebo.
  • Brainwave Efficiency: EEG results indicated enhanced brain efficiency with reduced alpha and low-beta waves.

Tocotrienols may enhance mental performance and cognitive activity, acting as a potential nootropic.

These findings are based on preliminary research, and further studies are needed to confirm these results.

Does tocotrienols have liver benefits?

Read this clinical trial for your answer.

Dr. Barrie Tan's clinical trial on tocotrienols for liver health in individuals with NAFLD comprised three phases:

  • Three-Month Study:
    Objective: Monitor liver enzyme levels (ALT and AST).
    Findings: Tocotrienol supplementation led to reduced liver enzymes, indicating improved liver health.
  • Six-Month Study:
    Objective: Examine inflammation within the liver.
    Findings: This phase showed significant reductions in liver inflammation and fat content, suggesting tocotrienol's effectiveness in reducing liver fat.
  • Twelve-Month Study:
    Objective: Confirm findings from previous phases.
    Method: CAT scans assessed liver health over a longer period.
    Findings: Suggests that tocotrienols may support liver health and metabolic function.

These findings are based on preliminary research, and further studies are needed to confirm these results.

    NAFLD Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Data USA

    Observed Weight Loss

    In addition to liver benefits, studies observed that participants taking tocotrienol supplements experienced weight loss. This may result from tocotrienols' role in reducing inflammation and improving metabolic health, contributing to healthier body weight and overall liver function.

    In summary, tocotrienols emerge as potent antioxidants with a myriad of health benefits, from promoting hair growth to supporting metabolic health and enhancing cognitive function. Clinical trials underscore their potential in managing conditions like diabetes, improving bone density, and even boosting liver health. As natural compounds, tocotrienols may offer a promising approach to enhancing overall well-being, particularly for those facing age-related challenges. By incorporating tocotrienols into one’s health regimen, individuals can harness the power of these remarkable antioxidants to foster a healthier future, highlighting the importance of informed choices when it comes to dietary supplements. Embrace the potential of tocotrienols!

    Note: All the Tocotrienols Vitamin E benefits mentioned above in various health conditions are still in the early stages of research, and further research is needed to confirm the extent of these benefits. Do not take it as a substitute for your prescribed medicine.

    These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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