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The Science Behind Tocotrienol's Super Speed in Fighting Free Radicals

The Science Behind Tocotrienol's Super Speed in Fighting Free Radicals

The Science Behind Tocotrienol's Super Speed in Fighting Free Radicals

by Sarika Jassal 29 Jan 2025 0 Comments

Vitamin E is essential for you, and you already know that. We have already discussed the 2 types of vitamin E supplements available in the market today, namely, tocopherols and tocotrienols. While the former is extremely popular and more widely available, the latter is gaining popularity for reasons that you cannot even imagine. 

Do you know that Tocotrienols are found in palm, rice bran, and also a phenomenal plant far off in the Amazonian Forests called Annatto? 

Just like tocopherols, annatto tocotrienols are also very strong antioxidants, and there are again 4 different forms of the same which are alpha, beta, gamma, and delta. Delta Tocotrienols are the most preferred forms of vitamin E because of their awesome health benefits. But we are here to discuss an aspect of the structure of the Tocotrienols molecule. Yes, things are about to get interesting. Stick around for a quick yet detailed discussion about how Tocotrienols vitamin E supplements are so much more effective when it comes to fighting free radicals and keeping you youthful for years.

Free Radicals And Oxidation- Are They Inherently Bad For The Human Body?

Let's get this confusion out of the way once and for all. You need to understand that free radicals and oxidation are not completely harmful. They become detrimental to human health and healthy aging when they are in excess. That's right. Contrary to what popular trends say these days, the presence of oxidative stress or free radical formation is not as harmful as the excess of it is. The human body creates several systems and processes that naturally counterbalance the impact of these free radicals and neutralize the effect of oxidation. But trouble begins when the levels of oxidants and free radical movement go unchecked. 

A study by the National Institutes of Health suggests that by consuming adequate tocotrienols, it is possible to diminish the impact of free radicals in your system. You can enhance the antioxidant mechanism of your body naturally. When you combine this with supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, and other immunity-boosting minerals, you can ensure holistic health for yourself and your family.

Free Radicals And Oxidation- Are They Inherently Bad For The Human Body?

Free radicals in small amounts aren't harmful, but excess leads to aging and health issues. Balance with tocotrienols, vitamin C, and magnesium for natural defense!

What Makes Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplements More Effective In Fighting Free Radicals?

Now comes the critical part. Both tocopherols and tocotrienols are effective in fighting excess free radicals in your body but the latter is way faster. Why is that? This is because of the structure of their molecules. They differ in the size of their tail. Tocotrienol is characterized by a shorter farnesyl tail and it contains double bonds. 

What Makes Tocotrienols Vitamin E Supplements More Effective In Fighting Free Radicals?

These double bonds can easily downregulate HMG-CoA, which is the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme reductase. This is the rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis in our body. Another study concluded in early 2024 indicates that tocotrienol isomers have a better ability to help you maintain a healthy cholesterol level in your body.

Tocotrienols: The Fast-Acting Vitamin E! With a unique structure, they zap free radicals and naturally support healthy cholesterol levels—faster than tocopherols!

Delta Tocotrienols - What Is The Hype All About?

Without getting into the complication of the scientific lingo, let's just know that delta annatto tocotrienols are the most potent isomers of the four tocotrienol compounds. And when you consume deltagold tocotrienols vitamin E supplements, they act faster because they are oil/fat soluble. Due to their smaller tails, they are able to penetrate the cell membranes faster and therefore, the benefits of the supplement get absorbed by your body quicker.

Delta Tocotrienols: The Most Potent Vitamin E! Their fast-absorbing, oil-soluble power penetrates cells quicker for maximum health benefits—feel the difference faster!

Should I Consider Taking Both Tocopherols And Tocotrienols At The Same Time?

As fun and interesting as that sounds, it is not going to prove to be healthy for you. This is because tocopherols have the tendency to interfere with the effect of annatto vitamin E tocotrienols. Alarming much? This is the truth. You will be surprised to know that the majority of vitamin E supplements in the market today mostly contain tocopherols. 

This is despite Tocotrienols being far more effective, potent, and easily absorbed by the human body. Very few brands of health supplements have come up with unique extraction processes to source unadulterated and pure tocotrienols vitamin E from the annatto plant.

According to the undisputed expert on vitamin E, Dr. Barrie Tan, the 3 primary sources of antioxidant-rich Tocotrienols vitamin E are palm, rice bran, and annatto. Rice bran contains close to 50% of tocopherols and tocotrienols each. Palm contains around 75% tocotrienols and 25% tocopherols. And you guessed it right. The highest concentration of Tocotrienols is found in the annatto plant which is 100%.

Should I Consider Taking Both Tocopherols And Tocotrienols At The Same Time?

Think Twice Before Mixing! Tocopherols can block the potent effects of tocotrienols. For maximum benefits, choose pure annatto-derived tocotrienols—100% powerful, 100% effective.

No, Depending Solely On Vitamin E Supplements Isn't Enough

We at Wellness Extract always encourage you to follow a balanced diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. This is because depending solely on supplements/vitamin capsules or benefits of tocotrienols for your daily nutrition is never a good idea. While it is an intelligent choice to eliminate tocopherols from your diet, it is also important to follow a healthy lifestyle and a practical exercise routine. Remember, even the best Tocotrienols vitamin E supplements are only going to do so much. It is you who can make the difference. 

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information contained within this page is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals.


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