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Full Body Cleanse & Detox: 6 Tips For Total Body Rejuvenation

Full Body Cleanse & Detox: 6 Tips For Total Body Rejuvenation

Full Body Cleanse & Detox: 6 Tips For Total Body Rejuvenation

by Divya Katyal 04 Dec 2024 0 Comments

Is it possible to follow a clean and balanced diet? Is it possible to keep your body detoxified 24/7? Well, it sounds very optimistic but is extremely difficult to achieve. Given the kind of edibles, drinks, beverages, and junk food that we are exposed to, it becomes very challenging to keep your body clean from the inside. Drinking enough water or getting enough sleep might not be a complete solution to it. You have to alter your lifestyle almost completely. You must also make monumental changes to your eating and sleeping habits.

Myths and Misconceptions Attached To Body Cleanse and Detox

  • Some people say that you have to fast for 16 hours at a stretch to detoxify your body. Others say that you have to starve yourself to push body toxins out. The truth is that there are body cleanses and detox diets that allow you to stay hydrated and satiated throughout the day.
  • Also, there is a lot of misunderstanding surrounding the word "toxins." In the context of your health, we should define them as compounds that include pollutants, processed foods, heavy metals, synthetic coloring, flavoring, and chemicals. All of these impact your health negatively.
  • Another very common misconception is that drinking only water or juices throughout the day helps you detoxify your system. There are other foods as well and many lifestyle changes that contribute to complete cleansing and detoxification of your body from the inside.
  • Some people also believe that you can eat and drink anything you want for dinner as long as you are fasting from morning till evening. All you have to do is keep on drinking loads of water throughout the day. Liver and body detox doesn't work like that at all.

  • Enabling Detoxification and Body Cleanse Every Day

    It is possible to support your body's natural cleansing processes through healthy habits. You just have to wrap your head around a few very practical ways to do it. Also, remember the main systems that are involved in a complete body cleanse and detox are:

    • Liver 
    • Kidneys 
    • Digestive system 
    • Skin 
    • Lungs

    Your body is at work trying to eliminate toxins 24/7. The best way to improve this function is to consume foods and beverages that help with detoxification. Other than this, there are certain external factors and lifestyle habits that you will have to adopt. Let's discover a completely new way to rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul in the following section:

    1. Breakdance Till You Break A Sweat

    This doesn't literally mean that you have to enroll in break dance classes. But if you can take out at least 45 minutes to an hour to spend at the gym or doing any exercises such as cycling, running, or aerobics, you will be eliminating a lot of toxins through the way of sweat. Adding any kind of physical activity to your daily routine has numerous benefits because it:

    • Decreases inflammation
    • Reduces stress
    • Balances your digestive system
    • Rectifies your sleep cycle
    • Helps you fight blood pressure

    2. Say No to Alcohol Right Now

    Do you remember how everybody used to say that consuming just one glass of wine every day was healthy for everybody? Yes, that fad of a trend has been dispelled long ago. Reducing alcohol consumption may support liver function, metabolism, and overall skin health. By doing this little thing, you may promote overall well-being and potentially improve inflammation responses that reduce stress on your liver. Remember, alcohol is not doing you any good because it puts your liver and kidneys on overtime. You don't want your organs to be filtering out any more waste than they have to.

    3. Antioxidants, This Way Please

    Consuming alcohol, tobacco use/smoking, a low-nutrient diet, and pollutants produce too many free radicals in your body. So, the one thing that comes to my mind is vitamin E. This is one of the most potent antioxidants available on the market for body cleanse and detox. Other than this health supplement there are so many more such as vitamin K, vitamin b12, vitamin C, and many more. Foods such as apples, oranges, bell peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, blackberries, and even dark chocolate contain oodles of strong antioxidants. 

    Why are they so important? Antioxidants help you fight free radical damage that is responsible for many problems including dementia, liver disease, asthma, heart diseases, and various types of cancers as per a study done in 2017 and 2018. Want more? Start eating nuts, coffee rich in cocoa extract, colorful vegetables, spices, and green tea!

    Disclaimer: The information provided is for your general wellness and educational purposes only. It is not going to replace professional medical advice or treatment.

    4. Drink A Lot Of Water And Detox Drinks

    While it is a very popular way of eliminating toxins from your body, it is also quite underrated at the same time. Many people don't understand that the more water you drink the more easily you can regulate your body temperature and lubricate your joints as well. Water also helps in nutrient absorption and proper digestion. Needless to say, it detoxifies your body and helps you eliminate waste more easily. Close to 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men is recommended. Fresh fruit juice is another tasty option.

    Drink A Lot Of Water And Detox Drinks

    5. Load Up On Protein

    This means clean and lean protein. And yes, if you are fond of ordering from KFC, refrain from doing that. Fried chicken or other fried meat items are delicious but the added transfat and cholesterol are not. What you need is lean protein from chicken, salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, sprouts, tofu, and yogurt. If you can find other sources of healthy lean meat, include them in your diet. Good quality protein supports overall health, which may play a role in maintaining a healthy immune system.

    6. Trouble Sleeping? Not Anymore

    Once you have made all these habits a part of your routine, you will find it is easier to sleep at night. You will not be tossing or turning in bed at all. When your body has toxins running through its veins, the amount of melatonin produced decreases. This makes it almost impossible for you to get a good night's sleep. But once you have eliminated a major portion of your bodily toxins, your body returns to its natural rhythm and nature. As a result, you can sleep better at night.

    Detox helps Sleep Better

    All of it is a cycle. One habit is going to enable the other. The benefit of one change in your routine makes room for another major diet or lifestyle alteration. Once you get in the flow, you realize that your body has become cleaner and free of toxins before you even know it. Try out these changes and stay tuned to Wellness Extract for more fun, exciting, and result-oriented health and nutrition tips.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been assessed by the FDA. The information contained within this page is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals.

    Author: Divya Katyal

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