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Could Geranylgeraniol be the Key to a Healthier Aging Process?

Could Geranylgeraniol be the Key to a Healthier Aging Process?

Could Geranylgeraniol be the Key to a Healthier Aging Process?

by Sarika Jassal 13 Nov 2024 0 Comments

There are so many things that contribute to aging healthily. This is important because as we age, we become less attentive to what our body wants from us. We start to ignore our diet and forget about including a practical exercise routine in our everyday lives. This ignorance can lead to much trouble as soon as we hit our 50s. Heart diseases, hypertension, headaches, cholesterol, stress, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, and many more become a part of your personality.

But all that is about to change

All you have to do is find the answer to the question; could GG be the key to a healthier aging process?

GG-A Key to Healthier Aging?

Well, it is not geranylgeraniol but CoQ10 that is going to make a huge difference in your overall health and well-being as you age. You must know by now that GG is the precursor to the production of CoQ10 in your body. The CoQ10 enzyme is imperative to the overall functioning of your organs and your cells which are their building blocks. When you take a GG supplement, the production of CoQ10 improves naturally and dramatically. By making this enzyme available in abundance for your cells, you can ensure a lot such as:

  • Mitigating the side effects of statin therapy, as per a study done in mid-2024, which is directly responsible for muscle pain, weakness, and associated fatigue
  • Improving mitochondrial function which enhances the energy-producing structures within the human cells resulting in overall increased energy
  • Improving muscle function which helps in muscle strength, recovery, movement, flexibility, and better physical activity, especially for athletes
  • Supporting bone health by regulating osteoblast and osteoclast activity within the body, as per a study done in 2020, therefore, it may be helpful for patients suffering from osteoporosis
  • Of course, promoting the production of CoQ10 within the body which is essential for energy production and improving antioxidant defenses against free radicals
  • Supporting overall cellular energy metabolism by playing a critical role in the mevalonate pathway
  • Improving cardiovascular functions and helping in reducing the risk of blood vessel blockages and internal inflammation
  • Supporting your immune function through its immunomodulatory effects as per a study done in May 2024
  • Enhancing the production of testosterone in men and also helping with overall detoxification of the body in the long run
Healthy Aging Support  Health Benefits of Geranylgeraniol GG

Remember, geranylgeraniol doesn't perform a miracle on you all by itself. It enhances the natural production of the CoQ10 enzyme in your body which helps you age in a very healthy manner, all the while maintaining vigor and energy and keeping you active throughout the day. 

But this is not all. Wellness Extract recommends you supplement with the highest quality GG Gold out there but also remember to make a few lifestyle changes that can turn your life in the right direction. Let's have a look at what they are:

Always Treat Your Skin with Love And Care

The best way to shower your skin with love and care is to keep it hydrated. You should always invest in a high-quality night skin care routine if taking care of your skin during the day is not practical. There are numerous vitamin E supplements available in the market that are considered the true saviors of your skin, hair, and nails.

Make Exercise an Inseparable Part Of Your Life

Making some form of physical activity an inseparable part of your life is the key to staying active and young for a very long time. These exercises can be anything ranging from marathon running to aerobics, weightlifting, dance forms such as Salsa or Zumba, swimming, cycling, and many more. These exercises keep your heart and lungs functioning like a champ.

Do Get Enough Sleep Every Night

In addition to taking geranylgeraniol supplements, it is very critical to get enough sleep at night. Taking afternoon naps to compensate for the loss of sleep at night is not going to help. You should get uninterrupted sleep for at least 8 hours if you want to live a healthy life. Needless to say, you can also do away with dark circles, puffy eyes, and fine lines if you are able to rectify your sleep cycle on time.

Mental Health Matters Should Be Taken Seriously

A lot of people do not take their mental health seriously. Men are especially ignorant about their psychological well-being. They also consider talking about it somewhat of a stigma. We need to normalize talking about things such as depression, anxiety, mood swings, emotional baggage, different kinds of complexes, family issues, and every trauma that leads to discord or displeasure in our minds. This is the only way to maintain a healthy brain.

Say No to Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

This might seem to be one impossible task to accomplish but it is only in your favor. By reducing the amount of cigarettes and alcohol that you consume in a day, you can reduce the risk of so many diseases such as heart problems, lung cancers, dehydration, premature aging, organ failure, skin issues, mood swings, anxiety, and the list is not going to exhaust so soon.

Go For Your Annual Check-Up without Fail

It is important to go for an annual check-up because this is the only way to learn how these lifestyle changes are impacting your physical and psychological health. Your doctor or family physician should be aware of your lifestyle, family, diet, existing health conditions, medical history, the amount of stress that you face at work, the quality of your family relations, and anything that you deem fit to share.

Last But Not the Least

Do take some time to visit Wellness Extract at least once or twice a week to understand geranylgeraniol benefits and a lot more. You will get enough information on how to age in a healthy manner and what changes to make in your diet, nutrition, physical activity, and supplementation to stay healthy and live a longer life.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been assessed by the FDA. The information contained within this page is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health care professionals.

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