Is Your Detox Truly Natural? Pick the Real Deal with Wellness Extract Cell DTox!

Is your Detox Natural?


Detoxifying juices, special detox diets, intermittent fasting, and staying all day long only on coconut water, you have probably tried every trick in the book. They did give you some positive results. But one wrong step and you would go back by several strides. However, this doesn't happen when you choose the right detoxification supplements. Beware though! There are plenty of fakers out there looking for takers. You don’t want to fall into that trap.

What you need is something you can rely on. An all-natural health supplement for body detox that can help you gain control of your life! The ideal detoxification solution for you should contain the right combination of fulvic and humic acid. But the catch here is that they should be sourced naturally and processed most harmlessly. This is the only way to ensure that their qualities remain intact. 

But why stress about it being natural? This is because numerous brands in the market promote their detoxification formula to be the perfect blend of humic and fulvic acid activated in zeolite drops when the reality is far from the truth.

Before we talk about how to identify fake detox drinks/supplements or a formulation that poses as a natural and completely organic solution to bodily toxins, let’s see how these 2 magical ingredients can change your life. 

 Awesome Benefits of Fulvic Acid You Didn’t Know 

  • Works to enhance nutrient absorption
  • Provides cellular detoxification
  • May reduce oxidative stress
  • Helpful in removing heavy metals 
  • Contains enough immune health vitamins
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Helps fight free radicals
  • May support brain function
  • Can be helpful in weight loss
  • May improve thyroid health
  • Helps in lowering bad cholesterol
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Improves muscle strength
  • Helpful in boosting cellular function
  • Supports healthy testosterone levels
  • Improves gut health
The Most Powerful and Natural Detox Formulation: Fulvic Acid and Humic Acid

Amazing Ways Humic Acid Can Prove Useful

  • May help stimulate and support your immune system
  • Alleviates symptoms of cold or flu
  • Helps in fighting lung conditions
  • Protects against viral infections
  • May support thyroid health
  • Helps boost blood circulation
  • Improves skin and metabolic health 
  • Reduces muscle pain
  • Also helps fight free radicals
  • May enhance cognitive function

How To Tell If Your Detox Is Truly Natural Or Not?


No Mention of the Actual Source

Observe the label. The leaf, root, flower, bud, seed, or anything that should be the natural source for your detoxifying formula or its active ingredient is usually missing. Instead, you have vague information and phrases such as "sourced from unique natural habitats", "distant and far-off places" or "Amazonian forests". If you find any such lingo, you are dealing with a fake liver detox formulation.

Differences in Percentages Online and Offline

It is very easy to find discrepancies between the online description and the offline description of the product. The percentages are going to vary a lot on these product labels. This is the easiest way to identify a detoxifying solution or drink that is being marketed as a truly natural formulation.

Exaggerated and Absolute Claims

Words or phrases such as "prevention", "cure", "disease-free", "guarantee", "get your money back", or similar claims spell disaster. Naturally sourced ingredients make potent formulations but their effect on you is often measured in comparable terms. The right health supplement elevates your overall wellness and quality of life but that is dictated by your body's response to it, your diet, and lifestyle.

Spiked Numbers and Composition

When you see an unusually high concentration of the active ingredient in the body detoxification formula, it should be a definite red flag. For example, 15 milligrams of humic and fulvic acid extract is more than enough and is highly recommended by nutritionists. Something close to 25 or 40 milligrams is definitely a sign of a fake supplement. Remember, high-quality ingredients sourced from undisturbed and natural habitats are not easily available in abundance.

Too Much “Value” For Your Money

Some supplements are just too good to be true. They claim to offer "true value" for your money. As said above, anything that is derived from natural sources such as plants, fruits, leaves, seeds, and the like, is always going to be scarce, precious, and not so readily available. This means that what you're paying for is most likely additives and fillers instead of a potent detox supplement. 

Not FDA –Approved 

This is a little difficult to digest. Health supplements are usually not under the purview of the Food and Drug Administration. However, certain brands in the market get each of their health solutions, formulations, ingredients, and supplements approved by the FDA. Wellness Extract is one such name. If you are not aware of it, visit today.

Cell Dtox of the Next Level – What the Fulvic and Humic Combo Offers

  • Reverses oxidative damage
  • Helps maintain a healthy microbiome
  • Kills bacteria and viruses
  • Boosts levels of minerals and trace elements in the body
  • Repairs skin lesions 
  • May prevent bleeding in some cases
  • Increases nutrient absorption
  • Increases supplement absorption in the body
  • May be helpful in regulating diabetes
  • Helps reduce chronic pain and inflammation 
  • Can help balance body ph


How to Find the Right Health Supplements Online?

You have to find and stick to the right brand. If you want to ensure that every health supplement you invest in for detoxification of your body elevates your quality of life and takes you several steps closer to your ultimate health goal, do your research. Make sure that the ingredients in the supplement are natural, not marred by artificial flavors, fragrances, or chemicals, retain their natural aromas and effectiveness, are not overly processed, and are FDA-approved.

One brand that promises all this and more is Wellness Extract. This is the one company that has proven time and again to always have your best interest in mind. Visit now to find out more!

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